
PT Star Student: Week Commencing 15 Feb 2021

Sahib Nijjar And Destiny HarveySahib has 100% attendance for his live lessons this term and has engaged fully in his learning. He has been a credit to the PT this term! Destiny achieved 10/10 in her performing arts test and has been nominated by her classmates as a valuable member of the PT. Well done both. Miss Roberts
Aidan Ellis, Oliver Bishop And Scarlett Oliveira Well done to Aidan, Oliver and Scarlett for maintaining an excellent attendance record during 'Teams' lessons between 11 January- 3 February.Mr Ferguson
Daya, Amrit, Jasmeen, Amrit,Mohammad,Abhigya,DavidWell done to Daya, Amrit, Jasmeen, Amrit, Mohammad, Abhigya and David for the effort and contribution to lessons which has been recognised by their teachers. Keep up the good workMrs Hood