
PT Star Student: Week Commencing 13 Jun 2022

Abhigya And XaynWell done the Abhigya and Xany for their continued effort to prepare for examinations. Well done and keep up the good workMrs Hood
Ryan Broadbent Ryan Broadbent is this week's star student for his cheerful attitude to learning.Mr Blanche
Josh Hamzah And Uhban KayanBoth students have displayed a positive work ethic during lessons this week. Well done Mr Ferguson
Cameron Bird For getting lots of positives this week with no negatives. Showcasing what a positive role model he is for the academy!Mrs Stanley-Ahmed
Hanaf SyedWell done on a fantastic return to school after almost two weeks away!Miss Payne
Natalia Branston & Kiara Khumalo Congratulations on your sporting excellence and a fine first week in the Academy!Mr Howard
Cory RobbinsExcellent effort in lessons and exemplar behaviour around the academy. Well done Cory!Miss Parker
Kyro MccallaWell done representing the school for athletics and been selected for Basketball England camp.Miss Parker
Kavanpreet Singh And Lucy Garrison for having a fantastic week! Lots of positives and 0 negatives. They are a pleasure to have in PT! Miss Gabrie
Tia KumarHas had a brilliant week in the Academy. Achieved 10 positives, well done and keep up the great work. Mr Follis
Jackson Ngugi And Ellie GuoBoth Jackson and Ellie have been nominated by the PT this week for having a super first week back after the holidays! Very well done! Miss L Scott
Kairi BrowneConsistently producing good work in lessonsMrs White
Mohammed HafeezThis week, Mohammed delivered a fantastic citizenship session to the class and he has also made sustained improvement over the past few weeks. Keep it up!Miss Roberts
Shanique Mcpherson And Daniel MansellShanique and Daniel achieved 100% in their Psychology exam this week. Well done guys!Mr Hughes
Ericka ANI-DENTEHWell done for being so dedicated to your studiesMiss Malin
Evie CarterFor completing Music assessments outside of school. Well done.Miss Hubble
Skye Dixon, Harry Wheatley And Remar Mcneil. Had a great previous half-term which was supported by not receiving any negatives. Mr Follis