
Career Pathways: Pharmacy

Pharmacy and pharmacological degrees are concerned with the science underpinning pharmacology, synthesis, development and formation of medicines as well as the law and ethics related to these medicines. In addition to completing an MPharm Pharmacy degree, to become a UK-registered pharmacist you need to successfully complete a professional pre-registration year in an approved practice setting and pass a professional competency examination. This pre-registration year takes place in an approved practice setting under the supervision of a tutor and is the final step in becoming a UK-registered practicing pharmacist.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Pharmacy, we would recommend the following A Levels:

  • Chemistry and least one other Science A Level
  • Any other A Level

Some BTEC and A Level combinations are accepted by some Universities but A Level Chemistry is almost always required.

Universities are looking for a range of elements within an application to study Pharmacy such as:

  • A strong GCSE profile (grade 9/8/A*'s and A's preferred)
  • A Level predictions ranging from AAA – BBBs, dependent on the University
  • Strong academic reference
  • Work experience with reflective learning in a range of health and community settings
  • Extra and super curricular activities that have developed suitable skills and qualities relevant for Pharmacy.

Important Documents

Questions or Queries?

Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (西瓜视频 Admissions Officer) by either:

Email: sixthformadmissions@sandwellacademy.com

Or by post:

西瓜视频 Admissions Officer,
Halfords Lane,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands,
B71 4LG.

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