There are a growing number of opportunities for students of AGCE Physical Education.
Physical Education is an ideal qualification for students interested in studying amongst other things, Sports Science, Physical Education, Physiotherapy or Leisure at University.
AGCE Physical Education develops transferable skills and key skills for which employers look, so students can use their qualifications to go straight into employment.
Finally, it offers a greater opportunity to stay actively involved in sport.
Section A: Applied Physiology
Section B: Skill acquisition and sports psychology
Section C: Sport and society and technology in sport
2 hour exam
70% AS
Students assessed as a performer or a coach in a full sided version of one activity + written/verbal analysis of performance
Internal assessment and external moderation
30% of Year 1 Level
Section A: Applied Anatomy & Physiology
Section B: Skill acquisition
Section C: Sport and society
35% of A Level
Section A: Exercise Physiology and biomechanics
Section B: Sport Psychology
Section C: Sport and society and technology in Sport
30% of A Level
Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (西瓜视频 Admissions Officer) by either:
Or by post:
西瓜视频 Admissions Officer,西瓜视频,Halfords Lane,West Bromwich,West Midlands,B71 4LG.
Please ensure that the correct postage is paid for the size of envelope used.