
GCE Economics

Why Economics?

Economics is the study of scarcity and choice. This subject provides students with a detailed understanding of how the world they live in works, from the purpose of interest rates to the determination of prices. How markets are shaped by competitive actions to the distribution of income and wealth and how Governments can impact our day-to-day lives with their actions.

Economics is the right subject if you enjoy:

  • Debating economic issues such as inequality, globalisation and the Global Financial Crisis.
  • Exploring and presenting alternative courses of action.
  • Keeping up to date with national and international trends.
  • Learning about the economic environment and business through research and investigation.
Course Type: A Level
Exam Board: Edexcel
Specific Entry Requirements:
Grade 6 in GCSE Business if studied at GCSE, if not:
Grade 6 in GCSE English and Maths
Course Assessment:
Paper 1 is drawn from Themes 1 & 4 and is worth 35% of the total qualification. Paper 2 is drawn from Themes 2&3 and is worth 35% of the qualification. Paper 3 is drawn across all areas of the specification following a pre-release and is worth 30% of the qualification.
Contact Curriculum Leader for more information:
Miss Bladen
Download Course Leaflet
Economics students can move on to Higher Education courses and careers in the following areas:
Actuarial Analyst, Statistician, Chartered Accountant, Stock Broker, Economist, Data Scientist, Financial Risk Analyst, Management Consultant, Forensic Consultant

Course Outline

You will study four themes as follows:

Theme 1: Markets, consumers and firms
  • Scarcity, choice and potential conflicts
  • Enterprise, business and the economy
  • Introducing the market
  • The role of credit in the economy
  • Market failure and government intervention
  • Revenue, costs, profits and cash.
Theme 2: The wider economic environment
  • Business growth and competitive advantage
  • Firms, consumers and elasticities of demand
  • Productive efficiency
  • Life in a global economy
  • The economic cycle
  • Macroeconomic policy
Theme 3: The global economy
  • Globalisation
  • Economic factors in expansion
  • Impact of globalisation on companies and national economies
  • Global labour markets
  • Inequality and redistribution
Theme 4: Making markets work
  • Competition and market power
  • Market failure
  • Economic market failure
  • Impact of macroeconomic policies
  • Risk and the financial sector.
Paper 1: 9EB0/01

35% of Qualification

Paper 1 will assess markets and will be drawn from Themes 1 & 4.

Duration: 2 hours

Paper 2: 9EB0/02

35% of Qualification

Paper 2 will assess the global economic environment and will be drawn from Themes 2 & 3.

Duration: 2 hours.

Paper 3: 9EB0/03

30% of Qualification

A pre-release examination based on a broad context drawn from all themes.

Duration: 2 hours

Important Documents

Questions or Queries?

Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (西瓜视频 Admissions Officer) by either:

Email: sixthformadmissions@sandwellacademy.com

Or by post:

西瓜视频 Admissions Officer,
Halfords Lane,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands,
B71 4LG.

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